Supposing Him to Be the Gardener by Charles H. Spurgeon.
This sermon grew out of John 20:15: "Supposing him to
be the gardener." Spurgeon used an extensive well-tended garden as a
setting for this discourse, probably Dr. Bennet's large garden in Mentone,
which Spurgeon frequently visited. When Jesus Christ is the gardener of
creation it leads to many inferences: it spurs people to their duties, it
relieves people from responsibilities they should never assume, it delivers
people from fears, it is a warning for the careless, it is a calming influence
to those who complain and lastly it is an outlook full of hope. Spurgeon said
he is "hoping that I may open many roads of meditation for your hearts . .
. to indicate in which direction you may look for a vein of precious ore."
The text was updated to modern language.
Paperback 5.25X8, 38 pages.
ISBN 9781941281161